• 6 Apr 2022 12:37 PM | Kyle Lincoln (Administrator)

    The Crusades: Historiography, Settlements, People and Roads (11-14th Centuries)

    The articles should be sent by e-mail to the address: hacliseferleritarihi@gmail.com

    About the Book and General Topics

    This book will cover the following topics: 

    • The origin of the idea of crusade 
    • Crusades historiography: eastern and western sources 
    • Battles: The Crusades of 1096-1291
    • Alliances and Conflicts
    • Settlements: Crusader States (County of Edessa, Principality of Antioch, County of Tripoli, Kingdom of Jerusalem, Kingdom of Cyprus) 
    • People: The Crusader and Turkish leaders, Muslims and Christians people 
    • Roads: Crusades army route: sea and land roads from Clermont to Jerusalem 
    • Byzantine Empire, Constantinople and the crusades 

    Please send 150-500 words with five key words

    Number of pages Final papers should not be longer than 10,000 words


    • Abstract deadline is 3 October 2022
    • Full paper deadline is 1 July 2023
    • Publishing date scheduled to end of 2023

    Editor: Dr. Sevtap GÖLGESİZ KARACA

  • 21 Mar 2022 1:39 PM | Kyle Lincoln (Administrator)

    Mandeville 700: call for papers

    30th June 2022

    In 1322, Sir John Mandeville left his native England to travel through Europe, to the pilgrim sites of Jerusalem, and beyond to the Far East, where he served as a mercenary in the Great Khan’s army before returning home 34 years later to write an immensely popular and influential account of his travels. Or not: historical research has been unable to find any John Mandeville who can be firmly identified either as traveller or author, and the book itself was largely adapted from other sources. To mark the 700th anniversary of his supposed departure, this conference will bring together scholars working on one of the most striking and enduring inventions of the late Middle Ages

    Currently planned as a live event to be held at King’s College London. We appreciate that not everyone will be able to attend in person, so please contact us if you would like to contribute remotely or if you have any questions.


    • Professor Anthony Bale, editor and translator of John Mandeville, The Book of Marvels and Travels (OUP)

    • Dr Sierra Lomuto, Rowan University

    • Daisy Black will give a story-telling performance based on the mappa mundi


    • The multi-lingual Mandeville tradition: translations and transmission; manuscripts and illuminated cycles; Mandeville and the archive

    • Mandeville and the global medieval; Mandeville as colonial forerunner; Mandeville and Orientalism; race and religion

    • Pilgrimage, physical and virtual travel, cartography

    • The reception and influence of Mandeville; Mandeville monuments and tombs, and the politics of commemoration

    Write to us with 250-300 word proposals by 01/04/22 at Mandeville700conference@gmail.com. We particularly welcome submissions from early career scholars and postgraduate students, and collaborative abstract submissions.

    More info, here: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/events/mandeville-700-call-for-papers

    Accessibility info for our venue here: https://t.co/qFuTbXIG8g

  • 14 Mar 2022 12:31 PM | Kyle Lincoln (Administrator)

    Call for Submissions - Book Series

    Published in collaboration with the UCLA CMRS Center for Early Global Studies

    A companion to the journal 'Viator', Cursor Mundi is a book series consisting of inter- and multidisciplinary studies of the medieval and early modern world, viewed broadly as the period from Late Antiquity into early modernity. Cursor Mundi brings together outstanding work by scholars of the medieval, Renaissance, and early modern periods from a wide range of disciplines, emphasizing studies that focus on such processes as cultural exchange or the course of an idea through the centuries.

    This series warmly welcomes volume proposals for both monographs and thematically coherent essay collections.

    More Info: https://bit.ly/3twHrqP

  • 14 Mar 2022 12:29 PM | Kyle Lincoln (Administrator)

    Community & Identity, Unity & Diversity in Medieval Europe (c.700-1300)

    29 June-1 July 2022

    Deadline: 21 March 2022: aberystwythmedievalists@gmail.com

    Students of medieval identity have long been preoccupied with questions about how communities were brought together. The strategies deployed by medieval writers when devising a history for their communities, or when distinguishing them from others, can reveal much about their visions of identity.

    The fifth Aberystwyth Medieval Conference will explore strategies for uniting and dividing medieval communities, how those writing about the past helped to construct – or to overcome – borders between communities, and how their visions of communal identities may have shaped, and may in turn have been shaped by, the construction of medieval polities.

    The workshop will take place from 29th June to 1st July 2022. We anticipate that it will take place in-person. We warmly welcome proposals for 20-minute papers from postgraduates, early career & established scholars working on any aspect of the high medieval past (c.700-1300). Perspectives from any discipline are welcome, including but not limited to history, literary studies, art history, philosophy, archaeology, and palaeography.

    Keynote speakers:

    Michal Biran (Jerusalem)

    Gerd Lubich (Bochum)

    Hugh M. Thomas (Miami)

    Alex Woolf (St Andrews)

    Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:

    Borders and identity

    The construction of networks

    Relations between the “centre” and “periphery”

    Disputing/dispute settlement

    Belonging and exclusion.

    Divisions between lay and spiritual

    Ideas of “the other”


  • 11 Mar 2022 1:25 AM | Kyle Lincoln (Administrator)

    Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East
    Book Awards

    The SSCLE is pleased to announce the launch of two book awards, Best First Book, and Best Book, to run on alternate years. The winners will each receive a sum of £250.

    We are opening nominations now for the Ronnie Ellenblum Best First Book with the aim of making the award at the summer conference, 27 June - 1 July 2022. 

    With that in mind, we are asking that entries be submitted by 30 April 2022 to

    The Best First Book Prize is named in memory of Professor Ronnie Ellenblum (1952-2021), a recognition of his immensely innovative academic work and his boundless support of young scholars.

    In the first instance, eligible languages will reflect those of the SSCLE's journal Crusades: English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. Each entry must be accompanied by a nomination of up to 300 words indicating why the book stands as an important contribution to the field. The author or publisher must be in a position to send the committee a PDF of the published text by the closing date. In this first award of the prize, nominations can come from either the author, the publisher, or another researcher. Books with a publication date of 2019, 2020, 2021 are eligible. 


    Cecilia Gaposchkin (Dartmouth College) has kindly agreed to chair the 5-person judging panel consisting of herself, Jessalynn Bird (Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame), Suleiman Mourad (Smith College), Christoph Maier (University of Zürich) and Jonathan Phillips (Royal Holloway, University of London). A different panel, chaired by Cecilia Gaposchkin, will decide the Best Book award.

  • 6 Mar 2022 2:34 PM | Kyle Lincoln (Administrator)

    Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the 10th International Medieval Meeting Lleida will take place online from 27th to 30th June 2022. 

    The Organizing Team of IMMLleida invites you to participate in this new edition. There you will find 19 strands focused in leading aspects of Medieval Studies and 2 special strands: "Suffering power in the Middle Ages" and the "1st Congress Toponomasticon Hispaniae: Interterritoriality and interdisciplinary".

    The International Medieval Meeting Lleida (IMMLleida) is organised and administered by the Consolidated Medieval Studies Research Group. It takes place in Lleida during the last week in June. The participants can present sessions and individual papers on different aspects of research in the history of the Middle Ages or sessions dedicated to the promotion and management of research, the application of new technologies in the Humanities and the promotion of historical heritage. Furthermore, there will be important presentations concerning the publication and dissemination of research in medieval history. These events will take place on the Blackboard Collaborate.

    Submit your Paper, Session or Business proposal until 3rd April 2022.

    Please, visit http://www.internationalmedievalmeetinglleida.udl.cat/en/ to more information and to send your proposals on any aspect of the Middle Ages.

    For any doubt, contact us at immlleida@historia.udl.cat

  • 2 Mar 2022 5:22 PM | Kyle Lincoln (Administrator)

    The theme for the 2023 American Society of Church History annual meeting is Experimentation. The Program Committee seeks proposals that think creatively about experimentation and its significance throughout the history of Christianity. As experiments have often occurred at the boundaries, physical and social, of imperial spaces, we especially encourage panels that explore experimentation as understood and undertaken among oppressed, disadvantaged, or otherwise marginal communities. We especially welcome submissions from scholars of the ancient and medieval world. 

    We solicit four types of proposals: regular panels, roundtables, experimental sessions, and individual papers. Proposals from the following periods and categories, inter alia, are welcomed:

    1)   Early Christianity and Patristics

    2)   Medieval and Byzantine Period

    3)   Reformation and Early Modern Atlantic World

    4)   Africa and the African Diaspora

    5)   American: Colonial to 20th Century

    6)   Latinx and Latin American

    7)   World Christianities

    8)   Religious Philadelphia

    The regular ASCH deadline for proposals is March 15, 2022. Proposals seeking joint sponsorship between ASCH and the American Catholic Historical Association should indicate this desire during the submission process by checking the appropriate box. We will not be co-sponsoring any panels with the American Historical Association this year.

    You can also find the call for papers, along with submission information, at: Annual Meeting 2023 - American Society of Church History

  • 28 Feb 2022 2:03 PM | Kyle Lincoln (Administrator)

    Claiming a place at the dawn of eternity is not a physical, tangible will, but rather a manifest intention to keep something alive, even after death itself. A death that is not real, but figurative, in a process of transformation to something different and new, a change in matter and not in essence. With this V International Congress "The Medievalist's Way: ad aeternum", we intend to achieve the definitive consolidation of this meeting. As always, it will be open to all young researchers from the Middle Ages who wish to participate. If five years ago the first stone of this forum was laid, today we are standing on a consolidated structure. And we express our desire to try to preserve it ad aeternum, something that has been confirmed by the complete renewal of the organizing committee, and which we hope will be the first of many to ensure its continuity. At the same time, with this reference to eternity, we do not intend only to point to the foundations of this building of ours, but to everything that is intrinsic to it. The tower we helped build represents the need to build new structures from the ruins of others. We are all part of the tower, but we are not the tower. And it's what's around you that matters, going beyond the congress itself: it's the variety of encounters, ideas and friendships that develop within you and that, of course, go far beyond these days. And it is in all this infinite tide of possibilities that our essence is truly found.

    After the changes and adaptations that 2020 and 2021 entailed, this year we intend to fully recover the face-to-face format for all participants. Now that the storm has calmed down, we are trying to return the river to its original course. Aware that this may not be, physically, the same as it was three or four years ago, it will certainly be the same in spirit.

    We have created a meeting open to all disciplines and aspects of medieval studies (history, art, literature, archeology, philosophy, etc.), spread over seven non-exclusive lines , as any other topic will be welcome:

    1. History: power, society, economy and culture.
    2. Art and iconography.
    3. Language and Literature.
    4. Written culture and archives.
    5. Historiography, innovation and digital humanities.
    6. Philosophy and thought.
    7. Archeology.

    Doctoral students and PhDs who have defended their thesis after January 1, 2018 may apply .

    Communication proposals:

    They must be sent by filling in the form available on the web page elcaminodelmedievalista.wordpress.com . They must contain an abstract between 250 and 500 words written in Spanish, Galician, English, French, Portuguese or Italian; and a small curriculum vitae et studiorum . All information must be sent to the email: elcaminodelmedievalista@gmail.com .

    Deadline for delivery : Until February 13, 2022.

    Reply date: March 20, 2022.


    Each communication will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes and can be made in any of the languages ​​mentioned above. The sessions will take place at the Paraninfo of the Faculty of Geography and History at USC.

    Another modality will be the round tables . In this case, the minimum requirement of three people is required and the presentation of a specific topic, for which they will have a total of 45 minutes, between exposition and debate.

    The resulting texts will be the subject of a specific publication in the form of an electronic book, after having passed the corresponding process of scientific arbitration ( double-blind peer review ).

    The price for communicators will be 30€ .


    Chairman of the organizing committee:

    • Israel Sanmartín Barros


    • Emilio Sanjurjo Durán,

    • Almudena María Méndez Sánchez,

    • Rúben Filipe Teixeira da Conceição,

    • Malena Correa Freitas


  • 26 Feb 2022 2:03 PM | Kyle Lincoln (Administrator)

    The 54th annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association will take place in person in Salt Lake City, June 16-18, 2022. 

    The conference will be held on the beautiful campus of the University of Utah, with remote options available for those who cannot travel. In addition to regular sessions and a keynote address, events will include a plenary session highlighting some of the Marriott Library's rare books and manuscripts. We are excited to host a variety of events this year ranging from works-in-progress workshops and pedagogy panels to research presentations.

    Roger L. Martínez-Dávila, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of History at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, will present the keynote address on his exciting work in the field of digital global history, and his design of immersive virtual reality worlds in order to recreate vanished medieval environments.

    The RMMRA is seeking proposals on any topic relating to the period 400-1700CE in a variety of formats that address some aspect of medieval and early modern studies. We encourage proposals that are both within and across traditional disciplines, including (but not limited to) history, art, literature, architecture, art history, religious studies, history of science, politics, languages, and digital humanities. We also encourage proposals that move across or outside of the traditional academy, including (but not limited to) archival work, k-12 teaching, popular history, and other venues.

    All are welcome to submit proposals by March 1.
    Participants are encouraged to propose any of the following:
    - a paper to be read in a typical panel;
    - a full panel of papers linked by theme or approach;
    - a work-in-progress for detailed workshop feedback;
    - a moderated discussion panel.

    All participants are also welcome to volunteer as readers for works-in-progress seminars, which will involve pre-reading submitted papers and offering critical feedback during the conference.

    The RMMRA is dedicated to creating an inclusive scholarly community.  We encourage papers from scholars regardless of race, national origin, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, religion, political views, military status, (dis)ability, and career paths. Our organization is committed to providing a safe, accessible, harassment-free, and collegial conference experience for all attendees. The RMMRA recognizes and supports the inclusion of diverse scholars from across the academy.


  • 26 Feb 2022 1:58 PM | Kyle Lincoln (Administrator)

    By the Late Middle Ages, the liturgy has become the most important and elaborate ceremonial of Christianity in an already highly ritualised society. Indeed, rituals dominated the everyday life of the faithful, from the Divine Office and the Mass to the individual reading of the Hours; and they accompanied the life of people from their birth to their last breath. Besides, liturgy called for collective involvement and aimed at engaging the faithful by stimulating their senses, in order to trigger emotional and spiritual responses.

    Over the past century, much has been said about the liturgy in the Middle Ages. Starting from the historical contribution of Mario Righetti (1946), in the last decades scholars have explored fresh research paths, incorporating notions and tools established by diverse disciplines. Philippe Buc (1997) and Eric Palazzo (2000) have opened up new research opportunities by assimilating sociological concepts, exploring the role of rituals as agents in shaping society and fostering social cohesion. More recently, this field has been fuelled with contributions from numerous disciplines that have started to engage in the study of the past, including neurosciences, performance studies, anthropology (Bull & Mitchell, 2016) and sensory studies (Palazzo, 2014; Neri & Caseau, 2021).

    The scientific relevance of these contributions in generating adventurous approaches and opening up new panoramas is unquestionable. Following these fresh pathways, the first conference of the series 'Experiencing the Sacred', established by the SenSArt ERC project, aims to develop the topic further by triangulating the liturgy (broadly intended), the experience of the faithful (understood both as an individual and as social groups) and the sensoria (i.e. the diverse sensory systems that existed in the Middle Ages). In so doing, it aims at showing that the experience of the sacred was not homogeneous and static. On the contrary, it was a multimodal and multisensorial activity, one that bore complex and overlapping layers of meaning, and which was perceived in different ways by the diverse groups and individuals involved.

    In order to reach this objective, the conference will consider both the material and the immaterial aspects of the liturgy and will emphasise the wide range of its sensorial appeal. Images, objects, odours, words, flavours, movement, and sounds all formed part of the liturgical performance that permeated the life of medieval people. And yet, they were exploited and perceived in different terms by the diverse groups involved, such as the religious and lay community, men and women, members of the aristocracy and of the lower social groups.

    The meeting will bring together a multi- and interdisciplinary community of scholars with a broad interest in the religious rituals of the late Middle Ages (ca. 1200 to ca. 1500), with particular respect to Art History, History, Musicology and Liturgy, in order to cross-fertilise these perspectives.

    Paper topics may include, but are by no means limited to:

    Rituals beyond the Mass such as vestments, consecrations, or monastic professions.

    Civic rituals mediated by the Church, such as coronations.

    Individual liturgical practices: how the rituals enter the everyday.

    The materiality of liturgy: the role of objects within different liturgical ceremonies (books, altarpieces, sculptures, paintings, metalworks, vestments, relics).

    Regulations and norms: how was the liturgy orchestrated? How did the church regulate the rituals?

    ‘Unofficial’ liturgy and subversive rituals: irregularities, contaminations and hybridisations between popular traditions and the Church regulations. Collective practices: how did different social groups interact with the sacred during the rituals? How were the rituals received and perceived by the faithful, from the clergy to the peasants?

    Scholars may address the topic with a broad approach but always considering the role of the sensorium in the performance and reception of the rites. This conference will focus specifically on Christian liturgies without geographical restrictions.

    Please send a title and abstract of no longer than 300 words, together with a short CV and personal data (max. 300 words), to the following emails:

    zuleika.murat@unipd.it; valentina.baradel@unipd.it; sara.carreno@unipd.it

    The language of the conference is English.

    Deadline: April 15th, 2022

    This conference is organised by the ERC research project SenSArt – The Sensous Appeal of the Holy. Sensory Agency of Sacred Art and Somatised Spiritual Experiences in Medieval Europe (12th-15th century), Grant Agreement ID: 950248, ERC H-2020, PI Zuleika Murat, Università degli Studi di Padova.


    Organising Committee:

    Zuleika Murat (Associate Professor, Università degli Studi di Padova)

    Valentina Baradel (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Università degli Studi di Padova)

    Sara Carreño (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Università degli Studi di Padova)

    Scientific Committee:

    Valentina Baradel (Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali - Università degli Studi di Padova)

    Sara Carreño (Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali - Università degli Studi di Padova)

    Matteo Cesarotto (Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance - Université de Tours)

    João Luís Inglês Fontes (Instituto de Estudos Medievais - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)

    Zuleika Murat (Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali - Università degli Studi di Padova)

    Salvador Ryan (St Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth)

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